We are home to Uplift Puppies in Olathe, Kansas. Our puppies will put a smile on your face and uplift your countenance! Our King Charles Cavalier Spaniels have the potential to bring joy into your home and encourage the whole family!
King Charles Cavalier Spaniels are perfect family dogs that love to snuggle and stay close by your side! They have a happy, pep-to-their-step energy level and they are low maintenance pups!
At Uplift Puppies, we have been operating and owning our business since 2020. In addition, our sire and dam are licensed in the State of Kansas. Our puppies are registered with the AKC! All puppies are up-to-date on their vaccinations and are ready to move home!
Call Today at 913-229-2669 or email: [email protected] in order to schedule a zoom call or to see the puppies in person!
Puppies For Sale!
Here is our current litter of puppies that were born on March 12, 2023. They are available for purchase and pickup as soon as you are ready!
Benji, or Benjamin, is a male pup and quite large at 6.2 Kgs. He was born on March 12th, 2023. He loves to run and play and snuggle in your arms! He's a great companion and could make a great addition to your home.
Brownie is a female born on March 12th, 2023. She is 2.5 kgs. She has spunk and personality that will make you smile. She loves to wrestle and play with her siblings and she keeps busy with puppy toys! She's very energetic and a puppy you will love to enjoy!
Bella is a female pup weighing 3.7 kgs. She was born on March 12th, 2023. She loves to play outside and run to her hearts content. She also loves to snuggle and say hello in her friendly wag-her-tail way! Contact us for more details.
Chanel is a female pup weighing 2.7 kgs. She was born on March 12th, 2023. She enjoys sitting in your lap and being pet. She enjoys snuggle time and loves being affectionate and comfy! She would be a joy to any home!
Hi, at Uplift Puppies we are a family of four from Olathe, Kansas. It's so nice to meet you!
My name is Carolyn Wu and my husband is Dr. Paul Wu. We have two children, Daniel and David, that help us care for and nurture our puppies! Our puppies need to find a nice home so take a look today!